Mama Gussa Ho Gain | Galti Se Mehmano Ka Khana Kha Liya

Mama Gussa Ho Gain | Galti Se Mehmano Ka Khana Kha Liya


Oh No! Ducky Bhai Accidentally Devoured the Guest Food!
Ducky Bhai is in a major pickle! In this hilarious video, things take a turn for the worse when Ducky accidentally devours the delicious food meant for his guests. Witness the chaos unfold as Ducky Bhai tries to escape his "Mama ki Dazat" (Mom's Wrath) and fix this blunder before his guests arrive.

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Mama Gussa Ho Gain | Galti Se Mehmano Ka Khana Kha Liya (Click to watch the full video and see how Ducky Bhai gets out of this sticky situation!)


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